Probation Violation Defense Attorney Minneapolis - St. Paul Minnesota Minneapolis - St. Paul Minnesota Probation Violation Defense AttorneyAlthough L. L. JOHNSON LAW OFFICE prides itself on providing EXCLUSIVE criminal defense representation involving ALL types of criminal offenses, we have extensive experience representing individuals involving probation violation issues. DefinitionProbation as defined by Black’s Law Dictionary (7th Edition): 1. A court-imposed criminal sentence that, subject to stated conditions, releases a convicted person into the community instead of sending the criminal to jail or prison. Penalties under MN LawBeing placed on probation following a conviction is probably the most common occurrence in the court system (thus providing an opportunity for a person to either not have to serve jail or severely defer it upon successful completion of the terms of the probation). Nevertheless…failure to honor or complete the terms of probation can bring with it serious consequences depending on the initial criminal conviction, the actual probation violation committed to trigger the violation, prior criminal history, prior conduct on probation, etc. Probation violation penalties as a result of an admission or conviction based on clear and convincing evidence could include additional jail time, additional fines, extension of the probation period and other conditions set by the court.